Saturday, May 26, 2012

OK, Shane and Steven passed their tests on Tuesday and Thursday

Shane Tested out for his Camo belt and Steven got his Orange belt in ATA Songahm TaeKwonDo.

Shane got his sparring gear, and gets to spar now.

Steven was going to quit. I wanted him to stay so I made him a deal. If I could get him in the Adult class, I would join also. So on Tuesday, I start all over as a White Belt in Songahm TKD.

We will still be practicing American Kenpo at home for th self-defense aspect. Steven is about ready to actually be recorded for his yellow belt. It is really helping me teaching again. I will continue on my review and my 2nd brown belt new material.

I was gaining a belt every 2 months back in the 90's while learning 24 techniques, forms and sets. Now for ATA TKD its just a form. So practicing both will only make me a better Martial Artist.

Shane is showing interest in Kenpo also. I am excited. 

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